Walk Nicaragua 2017- Day 3 – Operative Day 2



Twelve more lives changed today, as we have had our busiest OR day since we started 3 years ago on this mission to Nicaragua. We had the chance to see a few patient’s whom we operated on last year because they were back for their other side to be completed. One in particular was Fabian. He has suffered from knee arthritis for many years, in addition, he has hip dysplasia that has left him with a dramatic leg length discrepancy, and therefore leaving him immobile. Although this surgery was more technically challenging, it is probably the most rewarding surgery of the day because we know that this surgery directly impacts his way of life and his family’s for years to come. What a honor to provide this gift to him, and there are many more just like him. Each patient we see has waited years for a group like us to bless their town. We cannot do this without you! Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to sharing more of our adventures with you tomorrow!